2019 Total Medicare beneficiary counts* [a1a] 64430729
Full or nearly full fee-for-service (FFS) 31860990
Non-FFS 32569739
Table E.1 Number of Medicare Beneficiaries* by Chronic Condition** and Assessment Type, 2010–2019
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2019 Chronic Condition OASIS▲  MDS‡  IRF-PAI#  Swing Bed^  At least one n {all bene}
All Assessments for Medicare Beneficiaries 4930656 3513392 421053 13746 7019063 64430729
Hypertension 2975336 2132490 325552 11191 4219658 20668844
Hyperlipidemia  2282366 1501494 274027 8348 3082389 17198553
Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis 2071620 1354187 218856 8133 2798180 12397247
Chronic Kidney Disease 1955863 1483936 225784 7679 2785178 9538759
Anemia 1899608 1524188 245924 7873 2741855 8015345
Ischemic Heart Disease 1867711 1355121 211550 7160 2618595 10181642
Diabetes   1600978 1183705 175441 5625 2299028 10493681
Heart Failure 1488777 1202616 163993 6652 2156857 5412873
Depression 1396045 1279692 175384 5118 2157802 6994263
Alzheimer’s disease, related disorders, or senile dementia 1248551 1550290 124395 4636 2298438 4218595
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1041518 754504 113188 5291 1441186 4127934
Acquired hypothyroidism 915365 687909 100380 3776 1304264 5651288
Atrial fibrillation 713317 548180 95648 3106 985101 2965235
Benign prostatic hyperplasia 505355 362816 72282 1979 694248 2795631
Osteoporosis 503585 340444 59171 1824 662266 2430101
Cataract 441021 376501 47134 1527 694975 5990634
Alzheimer's disease 406271 585548 25800 1261 838139 1474982
Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack 404420 380614 109310 1522 633779 1354914
Asthma 357758 194435 38702 1133 441803 1812962
Glaucoma 311462 193800 30799 833 422487 3264979
Cancer, Female Breast 175891 111438 18762 703 227473 1161635
Hip / Pelvic Fracture 148241 175101 38501 1316 222103 252740
Cancer, Prostate 146477 93889 19793 591 193858 1167241
Acute myocardial infarction 118629 87787 20173 628 158857 339957
Cancer, Lung 101168 64130 10753 390 133403 406829
Cancer, Colorectal 99495 67677 11200 489 132464 432047
Cancer, Endometrial 28150 18726 3229 100 36320 136623
* Includes all Medicare beneficiaries who were eligible for or enrolled in Medicare on or after January 1, YYYY.
 ** Chronic conditions have a one- to three-year look-back time period (reference period). Refer to the Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) website for more information, including the algorithms, for these Condition Categories.  
†  In any given year the CCW team may count a beneficiary in more than one Assessment Type category. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) team may also count a beneficiary in more than one chronic condition category.
‡  MDS = Minimum Data Set: Assessment data collected by nursing homes.
   ▲ OASIS = Outcome and Assessment Information Set: Assessment data collected by home health agencies.   
# IRF-PAI = Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Patient Assessment Instrument: Assessment data collected by inpatient rehabilitation facilities.
^ Swing bed = Assessment data collected by swing bed facilities.
NOTE: The n for each condition category considers fee-for-service (FFS) administrative claims only. The beneficiaries included in these counts may have any combination of Medicare coverage, including full or partial FFS and/or health maintenance organization (HMO) coverage. The application of coverage restrictions/criteria will impact the size of these samples.
*** Full or nearly FFS indicates the beneficiary had 11 or 12 months of both Part A and Part B FFS coverage, or for persons who died during the year, from January 1 until date of death. Non-FFS indicates the beneficiary had less than 11 months of Part A and Part B FFS coverage and includes people with one month or more of health maintenance organization (HMO) coverage. Some FFS beneficiaries are participants in case or disease management demonstration projects (effective 2005 forward). The Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) team does not consider these beneficiaries to have HMO coverage during these months.