{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "id": "http://hl7.org/fhir/json-schema/AppointmentResponse", "$ref": "#/definitions/AppointmentResponse", "description": "see http://hl7.org/fhir/json.html#schema for information about the FHIR Json Schemas", "definitions": { "AppointmentResponse": { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "DomainResource.schema.json/definitions/DomainResource" }, { "description": "A reply to an appointment request for a patient and/or practitioner(s), such as a confirmation or rejection.", "properties": { "resourceType": { "description": "This is a AppointmentResponse resource", "type": "string", "enum": [ "AppointmentResponse" ] }, "identifier": { "description": "This records identifiers associated with this appointment response concern that are defined by business processes and/ or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "Identifier.schema.json/definitions/Identifier" } }, "appointment": { "description": "Appointment that this response is replying to.", "$ref": "Reference.schema.json/definitions/Reference" }, "start": { "description": "Date/Time that the appointment is to take place, or requested new start time.", "type": "string" }, "start_": { "description": "Extensions for start", "$ref": "Element.schema.json/definitions/Element" }, "end": { "description": "This may be either the same as the appointment request to confirm the details of the appointment, or alternately a new time to request a re-negotiation of the end time.", "type": "string" }, "end_": { "description": "Extensions for end", "$ref": "Element.schema.json/definitions/Element" }, "participantType": { "description": "Role of participant in the appointment.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "CodeableConcept.schema.json/definitions/CodeableConcept" } }, "actor": { "description": "A Person, Location/HealthcareService or Device that is participating in the appointment.", "$ref": "Reference.schema.json/definitions/Reference" }, "participantStatus": { "description": "Participation status of the participant. When the status is declined or tentative if the start/end times are different to the appointment, then these times should be interpreted as a requested time change. When the status is accepted, the times can either be the time of the appointment (as a confirmation of the time) or can be empty.", "type": "string", "pattern": "[^\\s]+([\\s]?[^\\s]+)*" }, "participantStatus_": { "description": "Extensions for participantStatus", "$ref": "Element.schema.json/definitions/Element" }, "comment": { "description": "Additional comments about the appointment.", "type": "string" }, "comment_": { "description": "Extensions for comment", "$ref": "Element.schema.json/definitions/Element" } }, "required": [ "appointment", "resourceType" ] } ] } } }