Table B.2a. Medicare beneficiary prevalence* for chronic conditions** using fee-for-service (FFS) claims, 2010–2019
Prev = prevalence
Totals  2019 numerator 2019 2018 numerator 2018 2017 numerator 2017 2016 numerator 2016 2015 numerator 2015
Total denominator†  31,860,990   32,184,841   32,483,529   32607998   32,179,757  
Denominator — males only▲  14,448,754 45.30% 14,557,985 45.20% 14,663,165 45.10% 14680123 45.00% 14,465,415 45.00%
Denominator — females only‡  17,412,231 54.70% 17,626,850 54.80% 17,820,358 54.90% 17927869 55.00% 17,714,337 55.00%
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Chronic condition**  2019 numerator#  2019 Prev Rate 2018 numerator#  2018 Prev Rate 2017 numerator#  2017 Prev Rate 2016 numerator#  2016 Prev Rate 2015 numerator#  2015 Prev Rate
Hypertension 18,792,401 59.00% 18,938,578 58.80% 19,060,192 58.70% 19105483 58.60% 18,750,064 58.30%
Hyperlipidemia 15,925,681 50.00% 15,787,069 49.10% 15,686,586 48.30% 15146099 46.40% 15,216,792 47.30%
Rheumatoid arthritis/Osteoarthritis 11,209,201 35.20% 11,152,441 34.70% 11,108,321 34.20% 10908057 33.50% 10,342,805 32.10%
Ischemic heart disease 8,856,093 27.80% 8,917,499 27.70% 9,018,718 27.80% 9122052 28.00% 9,083,042 28.20%
Diabetes 8,771,622 27.50% 8,919,842 27.70% 9,081,954 28.00% 9163634 28.10% 9,062,604 28.20%
Chronic kidney disease 8,280,804 26.00% 8,145,457 25.30% 8,048,628 24.80% 7531754 23.10% 6,228,879 19.40%
Anemia 7,195,348 22.60% 7,239,463 22.50% 7,306,548 22.50% 7324867 22.50% 7,362,976 22.90%
Depression 6,172,840 19.40% 6,066,669 18.80% 5,966,519 18.40% 5812110 17.80% 5,741,768 17.80%
Cataract 5,614,119 17.60% 5,685,874 17.70% 5,787,577 17.80% 5856642 18.00% 5,834,323 18.10%
Benign prostatic hyperplasia▲ 2,604,982 18.00% 2,513,186 17.30% 2,466,882 16.80% 2372143 16.20% 2,241,647 15.50%
Acquired hypothyroidism 5,262,192 16.50% 5,223,485 16.20% 5,179,377 15.90% 5154798 15.80% 5,010,087 15.60%
Heart failure 4,657,176 14.60% 4,655,713 14.50% 4,665,730 14.40% 4690896 14.40% 4,652,637 14.50%
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3,730,918 11.70% 3,820,446 11.90% 3,926,203 12.10% 3927067 12.00% 3,850,136 12.00%
Alzheimer’s disease, related disorders, or senile dementia 3,540,308 11.10% 3,620,471 11.20% 3,668,111 11.30% 3625188 11.10% 3,474,060 10.80%
Glaucoma 3,068,702 9.60% 3,080,540 9.60% 3,107,902 9.60% 2392332 7.30% 3,081,627 9.60%
Atrial fibrillation 2,805,567 8.80% 2,806,009 8.70% 2,811,985 8.70% 2806954 8.60% 2,789,063 8.70%
Cancer, prostate▲ 1,091,738 7.60% 1,067,853 7.30% 1,055,251 7.20% 1041335 7.10% 1,016,376 7.00%
Osteoporosis 2,291,912 7.20% 2,190,226 6.80% 2,137,230 6.60% 2082581 6.40% 2,066,638 6.40%
Cancer, female breast‡ 1,072,697 6.20% 1,052,717 6.00% 1,039,940 5.80% 1023455 5.70% 997,882 5.60%
Asthma 1,651,510 5.20% 1,648,710 5.10% 1,719,783 5.30% 1726018 5.30% 1,756,685 5.50%
Alzheimer's disease 1,255,744 3.90% 1,322,474 4.10% 1,385,665 4.30% 1411457 4.30% 1,385,135 4.30%
Stroke/Transient ischemic attack 1,238,014 3.90% 1,256,114 3.90% 1,270,729 3.90% 1262036 3.90% 1,270,383 3.90%
Cancer, colorectal 393,852 1.20% 397,189 1.20% 402,658 1.20% 404897 1.20% 406,155 1.30%
Cancer, lung 365,414 1.10% 359,102 1.10% 356,189 1.10% 351744 1.10% 348,239 1.10%
Acute myocardial infarction 304,933 1.00% 306,038 1.00% 308,640 1.00% 300868 0.90% 281,530 0.90%
Cancer, endometrial‡ 125,525 0.70% 121,327 0.70% 117,856 0.70% 112644 0.60% 105,032 0.60%
Hip/Pelvic fracture 235,452 0.70% 236,967 0.70% 239,523 0.70% 234798 0.70% 254,791 0.80%
Cancer, male breast▲ 9,027 0.10% 8,863 0.10% 8,801 0.10% 8548 0.10% 8,495 0.10%
* Includes all Medicare beneficiaries who were eligible for or enrolled in Medicare on or after January 1, YYYY. The Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) team calculates period prevalence for these rates: beneficiaries with full or nearly full FFS coverage during the year who had claim(s) for the condition within the condition-specified look back period (chronic conditions have a one- to three-year look-back period). Refer to the CCW website for more information, including the algorithms, for these CCW Condition Categories.
** The CCW team may have counted beneficiaries in more than one chronic condition category.  
  Denominator: Includes beneficiaries with full or nearly full FFS coverage (i.e., 11 or 12 months of Medicare Parts A and B [or coverage until time of death] and one month or less of health maintenance organization [HMO] coverage).
  Denominator includes only females for cancer, endometrial and female breast.
Denominator includes only males for benign prostatic hyperplasia and cancer, prostate and cancer, male breast. # The CCW team defines the numerator as evidence of claims for the condition.